Dear God,
What's good? I'm sure you're getting other prayers coming in with things that are more serious, but maybe this will make you laugh. So, as I write this consider this my prayer, because since I know you're omniscient you already know what I'm writing, therefore placing my knees on the floor seem unnecessary at the moment. This young lady you called out from the moment I was in my mother’s womb and branded me for a specific purpose has grown and is asking for permission. Permission to stray away for a minute. Permission to experience that what you call sin. I have grown, I have gotten wiser, and the knowledge from that fruit you didn't want Adam and Eve has finally reached my mind and I finally understand. I also understand why you wanted to keep it away from us, because we humans have a way of taking things overboard and abusing it, but I know it, and it’s too late to go back. Point is I want to experience. The bible says not to get drunk, but it doesn't say not to drink period, so I'm going to drink. Sex, I understand your purpose for sex, I understand that you made sex in order for us to procreate, for us to multiply and expand, and also made it pleasurable so it won’t be a tough task to complete, but also for it to be a way to express our love to that who is your husband or wife, therefore making the bond stronger. I understand it completely, sex is not to be selfish, not for us to use it as a way to satisfy our own needs, but for us to satisfy the person you are sharing yourself with, and you making them feel good, as well as them making you feel good, therefore they need to love you to want to make you feel good. I'm not asking to become a slut whose looking for her own sexual needs to be satisfied, or a whore who is using the misused pleasure to make ends meet, but to allow me to show my love to those who I want to share myself with, to that guy that is giving me butterflies and making me think about him all night, and is making me feel good inside, let me share this with him. Yeah, he probably won't be the man I end up marrying, but at least I'm not doing it selfishly. I'm making him feel good, because he makes me feel good without it being sexually. I want to make him feel good because for this moment he's the person I have feelings for. Can I stray a little? I don't think that just because I'm asking for a little fun, that I won't be worthy of being your angel in the future. I don't think that this means I won't be as dedicated and will someday rise against you like those who did along with Lucifer so long ago. I know you're the almighty God, I love you like I know you already know, I respect you, but these rules are ridiculous. I understand why you made them, because there are some people out there who have abused life itself, and have done horrible things, but that not me. I ask for permission, because in reality I don't know what’s going on with Mr. Conscious, but he isn't doing his job lately. I guess he's taking days off or running late, but I been doing things and I don't feel bad for them anymore. I use to be scared to do things, but I feel like I'm not anymore, and like a friend told me, I should be worried when I don't feel scared anymore. Maybe I'm not scared because I know you'll love me anymore. Maybe this whole religion thing is for individuals that need a guideline that will keep them from doing wrong, but I have no evil inside, and I DON'T have to love for money or harbor feelings dark enough to kill. On the contrary, I love Love, and like you say, you are love, so I love you. That is all I look for and want in life. Love. So if I do this, can I still come in? Can I still be your angel at the end? I swear it won’t be for long, consider it a vacation, I'll be back. By the way I have to preach on Saturday, so please enlighten me! Thank you in advance!
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