2010!!! What a year!!! What a decade!!! So many ups and downs, but thats life. A decade of growth and gaining wisdom, but then again thats life. 2010, what can I say? Its the perfect way to finish this decade. Its the RIGHT way to go into a new one. This year I have learned so much. I have grown so much. I changed from being a naive, scary, innocent minded girl, to a smarter, more realist, more bolder, and more decisive young women. The many issues that came into my life that seemed unbearable taught me so many beautiful lessons. The people that have come and gone have given me much needed wisdom. As I look back at the years, I now realize the beautiful circle of life. I know appreciate and see the art and beauty of life. I now see and understand the works of God. I am also ready to conquer the world! Although I know life will bring many more lessons, I am ready to learn. I am ready to fully flourish to the person I am suppose to become. I welcome 2011 with excitement. I hope to fill the pages of my journals with joyful stories, and good thoughts. I am going towards my goals with fierce determination. The better phase of my life has begun.
~ You Are So Valuable ~

I want to take a moment to thank those in my life that in this year, and the ones before have impacted me in such a great way. But the most important, I want to thank my mother. When this 21st Century started I was also starting my adolescence. I was going through my teenage nightmare phase. I started off hating her, fighting with her, thinking the whole world was against me. Yet you always maintained. Now as the decade finishes I realize what a great person she is. How important she truly is to me. Its funny how I wanted to get away from her so bad, and now I don't want to do anything without her. How like people say, your mother is your only true friend. She has been my biggest supporter, my biggest fan, and the only person who has always been in my corner. I wouldn't be anything without her. So I have to give her all my thanks.
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