Monday, September 29, 2008

......and they say WOMEN are Confusing????

For aslong as I been alive, and I have watched television, women are always portrayed as the confused one who does not know who to love, neither what they want in a relationship, or how to fulfill thier needs. Yet as I have started to begin my stage of young adulthood, in which humans begin to look for that relationship, or like my education books calls it Intimacy vs Isolation stage, I've noticed that Men are the most confusing. I'm sure every girl or women has had that one guy who along from being thier friend, they have had some type or connection or interaction that makes them feel, or perceive that her male friend may be having non platonic feelings for her. Immediately, becuase as the emotional creatures that we are, we pick up on that and we also begin to develope feelings. Yet, as we begin this journey of mixed emotions, the male keeps on with his antics, showing signs of attraction and non platonic feelings, but no signs of commitment. Then when we finally pick up the "cojones" to confront the situation, they claim that they only see us as a friend. Yet, I ask, if you do only see us as a friend, why do you talk to us as if we are something more, why do you proclaim that you want to kiss me, and bed me. Why do we have this deeper connection that you do not have with no one else. Do men see thier friends as a person that they can be friends with but at the same time have sex with(and i am not talking about friends with benefits). Or is that just your friendship with women. Cause I know men dont tell their boys that they want to kiss them. Or Do women have the wrong interpretation as to what a friend is. To us, either we are just friends, or are we more then friends. Either we hug goodbye, or kiss me goodnight. Becuase someone that is just a friend to me, will never hear me tell them that i want to kiss him, or be with him, unless I have some type of feelings. I will always assure them that i only see them as a friend. Men are confusing. They tell us we are amazing, and that we are incredible women, yet not incredible enough for you. And WE are CONFUSING??? How about this, save your poor excuses, don't make it seem as if we are the delusional ones, that made up these feelings from the no where. Just admit that you aren't man enough for a women like me, that you rather go out and be with a garden tool, who doesn't value herself enough to demand respect. Just admit that you rather be sticking your libido in all kinds of women, instead of focusing yourself on one that deserves all your attention. Admit the FACTS!!! You are not ready, and you cannot handle being in love, or being with a women as I or any like me. Advice to the wise, stop sending mixed signals, and if you just want to be a friend, and only see us as a friend, then just act like a friend and nothing more.

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