When she had lost all hope in in her life, when she felt the loneliest and the most misfortune, she was brought this new medicine for her. When it was presented to her, she had a gut feeling it wouldn't work, but because of her hopeful heart she gave in to begin the treatment. As the time passed she witnessed great happiness. She found herself actually happy, thinking this was finally it. She thought that finally the one above found mercy in her life, and gave her what she most wanted. She would find herself understanding every bird song. Looking at the world and the earth with a great new view, yet deep down she had a feeling it would end. In due time her gut feeling was proven right. She was told the medicine was just a placebo. It was a sugar pill meant to mentally fake happiness into her life. The medicine was all a lie. It didn't exist, it wasn't real, it was just a disguise. A placebo that made her think her life was better, a placebo that made her mind make up this fake feeling of well being and good health. Whoever thought that this would make her lasting days better was only mistaken. The placebo had used her last notch of hope. Now she only feels anger, and disillusion. She feels hopeless and hurt, She has given up on her life, and anything good in it. Now as shes dying inside, she only hate those who thought the placebo was a way to give her some time of happiness. Because she would've rather kept living with ignorant hope, then being deceived and betrayed, now living hopeless and in pain. The beautiful sugar pill that faked happiness only finished causing her much more pain then before. Now her heart has stop beating, and love is something that she has lost hope in. Like a placebo, his lies made her believe, but his betrayal only killed the last bit of hope she had inside. The betrayal injected in her heart caused it to freeze and stop beating. Now shes a cold hearted human being. Walking in this world filled of hurt and pain, completely not believing in any good thing she sees. Only scared that it can be a placebo once again. The cure to her pain still has not been found, and like cancer shes most likely to die, then a cure ever being found.
Now playing: Aventura - Dile al Amor
via FoxyTunes
1 comment:
So, sometimes, lettin' go is the easiest thing to do. When your heart's broken and your wounded mind is laid to rest, you can actually take a step back to retrace and reform yourself. For the better of you.
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