Thursday, August 18, 2011

Real Deal

I don't think that you understand
like really comprehend this.
I'm not overexaggerating.
I'm not saying it just to say it
and I sure as hell am not lying.
There isn't anyone else
who has a chance right now
because all I want is you
but I guess when I really think about it,
it always comes down to me and you.
You have my whole heart
for better or for worse
you are the one I have feelings for,
and no other person
could ever measure up.
I don't want no one else to hold me,
don't care for any others kisses,
all I want is you and all you have to give
If that makes me crazy,
Then so be it.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ode to couples...

 As of lately I have come to notice the interactions of couples.
The way they seem to have this speccial attention for each other.
Holding hands, caressing their faces together.
 Whispering secrets to each other that cause small giggles and smiles.
Slow dances at a club. Riding together in a car.
Singing to each other. Taking care of each other.
 Its a beautiful sight to see and witness.
I love seeing the public display of affection.
And I steal from their joy and love, and let it fill my heart.
 Yet at the same time I begin to yearn.
Because I want that as well.
I want to not just witness it, but I want to experience it.
 I want to know what love is. I want to have that special relationship.
I want my man to hold me, to secure his arms around my body, claiming me.
I want him to kiss the nape of my neck.
I want him to show me how much he wants me.
 And I want to do the same with him.
I want to feel comfortable enough to kiss him, hug him, grab him when I want.
Maybe scars from my pass make me reluctant to do so now.
But hopefully the man for me will make me feel good enough to be open to it.