Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wild Flower

Well she was precious like a flower. She grew wild, wild but innocent. A perfect prayer in a desperate hour. She was everything beautiful and different. -Keith Urban
I just read in an article a quote by Yoko Ono "You can be very wild and still be very wise." A small chuckle escaped my lips, because it was so fitting to a decision I had to make last night. A young man had offered to give me some oral pleasure. I was intrigued by his offer. After so many years of not being sexually active, and no longer having my own personal/emotional obligation to another man, I though that it would be nice to try it. Why not let go and just get some pleasure for once? I was curious, and getting that kind of pleasure wasn't a bad idea. I thought, that I was tired of being this good girl, because at the end it hasn't gotten me anywhere. Why not have some fun, every once in a while? But yet, still something didn't feel right. I seeked out the help from my BMF (Best Male Friend) and I asked him if I should. And at first he was like yeah, go do it. But I still wasn't happy with that. I had all these internal doubts. Lots of questions arised within. I asked myself if this could be the beginning of a bad habit. If I could truly handle the role of being just a F-buddy for someone. Would I be able to handle it emotionally? And if I was ready to in some way tarnish my "clean" rep, or if I truly wanted to, or found it worthy enough. Atleast for me personally, I take pride in the fact that I don't have numerous lovers on my list. But was I ready to add to it. So I kept talking to my BMF about it and told him how I was truly feeling. At the end he told me "Do what you feel is right." And it clicked to me. Do what I feel is right. I know myself enough to know that during and after the whole sexual experience I was going to feel like crap. That its not in my nature to act out like that. I do wish I was a bit more care free, but at the end of the day I'm not. I truly don't know how to let go of myself that way. So I decided not to go through with it.

I came to the conclusion of many things lastnight: My definition or line of good might be a little to high. Most likely, what I may see as wrong for others is nothing bad at all. Point is, I can lower the bar a bit, and not be too much of an extremist, and be less hard on myself. But, at the end, I will follow how I feel about things. I know I can be scared sometimes, and I must be able to distinguish the difference of fear, or a true gut feeling of wrong, but in all, I will follow the feelings. When it comes to sexual acts, I need to do what I feel is right. Not try to follow some norm in todays society, but my own feelings. And me having random sexual acts with men I haven't gotten to know, just for the hell of having some kind of pleasure, truly isn't my style. I will be my own judge, and stop worrying about what others or society thinks. I truly know the definition of doing M-E, now.

*hugs* & *kisses* Laters... I'll definitely be having more.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Moment of Weakness #2

I know its only been a little more than week. I know it hasn't been too long. But I can't stop thinking about him. I can't stop missing him! And I want to tell him that I miss him. That I don't want to walk away. That I don't want him to leave my life. But I can't do that either. My dad always told me that when a man wants you, he will do everything to get you. And yes, its been said, a closed mouth doesn't get fed. But he made it clear. He told me he doesn't want me. How can I be so naive and go against that? Against a clear understanding that I mean nothing to him. But its so hard right now. And I want to fight. But it hurts that he doesn't fight for me. And yes, maybe as time goes on, I will not feel this bad, but right now it does. Some days are better than others, but today it feels like those days where its unbearable.

[I feel stupid for feeling this way.]

There hasn’t been one day since you left where I haven’t fought the urge to put you back in my life. I sit here and fight with myself. I tell myself that I should fight. I go by things like "Obstacles are put in the way to see if what you really want is worth fighting for." I find him worth fighting... and then I realize that I'm always the one to fight for him. To go after him. To pull him back. Yet, he's never done anything to bring me to him. Maybe because he knows he has me. But still, he never fights for me. All he does is pushes me away. Tells me not to fight. Tells me that what I do is pointless. How can I not take something like that seriously? How can I continue to want him? How can you want someone, that clearly doesn't want me? How can I want someone who doesn't see my worth? How stupid can I be?

You know what really gets me mad though, is these moments like these. Some days I have it all figured out, and I'm feeling so strong. And I'm thankful to be done with him. And I say that it was the best way. And that I so deserve better. And then I come to days like these, days where I fall flat on my face. Days where I am a complete moron. Days where I realize I'm not strong at all. That I'm being a complete dweeb! This is probably what makes me even more mad. Women are truly stupid!

What hurts more:

Saying something you wish you had not

Or not saying something you wish you had?

Dry your eyes and clear your mind.

You just gotta take it one day at a time.

Dust off your heart, take it off the shelf.

You gotta remember to love yourself.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Moment of Weakness

Hey make-believe readers (lol so sad... smh),

As you know, I'm here letting some things out. As Cole said "I got some shit I'd like to get off my chest, I spill out my soul, I spit out my stress, & can I spit out my stress?" I feel like this is the only place I can let it all out and not be judge or feel stupid. Yet, I still feel so stupid... Smh.

[She hides her tears and acts like she’s tough cause she knows there’s nothing you can do.]

This weekend was packed for me in events and thoughts. I went out everyday with my sisters. Spent a lot of time with them in the day as well. Not only with them but other people as well. I actually had fun. Friday, I danced my ass off at the club. Got buzzed as hell. Feel like when I'm under the influence, its the only time I feel ok. Yet when its all gone, I go back to feeling alone. I hate that. I hate feeling alone in a room packed of people. I hate feeling alone when I have people in my life that care and love me. Last night actually, I spent like 3 hours outside shooting hoops, and thinking. Trying to endure the pain. Trying not to think about it too much. Trying not to sulk in my room. I don't know why I care so much. Don't know why I should allow myself to feel this way. But I have no choice. It hurts.

[Sometimes life absolutely sucks but those are the days you have to look in the mirror and believe you’re worth more than this.]

Thoughts bring sharp pains to my chest. And no matter how many times I may put them on pause, they eventually come back. I get so mad at myself at these moments of weakness. I get mad at myself when I sit here and miss him. When I wish things could go back. I hate that I do want him. Or maybe that I just want somebody to love me. I wish I wouldn't want it. That I wouldn't care for it. Sometimes I'm good enough to convince myself it isn't worth it. But then there are moments like these when I truly wish someone loved me. Someone would call me at night and tell me they miss me. I want that kind of love.

But it kills me, because I believed. I sooo believed. I believed in the good. I believed in him. As Drake says " they hear about your cons but focus on your pro’s and love you for who you are from the bottom of their soul" I really did. I still do believe in the good in him. But it kills me because the bad over powers him. Like no matter what, or how hard I can try, it won't matter. It kills me because I don't see how he can treat people as if they are disposable. And I fight with myself everyday not to say something. Not to speak to him. Because at the end of the day, he could care less to speak to me. The three days of mourning has passed. I no longer exist. And the lack of my immediate presence is what helps my existence to fade. I guess I was dumb though. Obviously, its more logical for you not to care for someone you never met. While I'm here falling head over heels for him. Hmph... I really need to change this stupidity of me. I really need to do things A LOT differently in my life.
[Now I'm alone again with nothing but memories... again.]

[My heart wants to explode telling you it loves you, but I wont let it. I wont let it break again.]

I understand that my life doesn't have to be perfect. I know the perfect relationship doesn't exist, and I know that I shouldn't be looking for one. But I'm going to continue to live and I'll make it someday. And some day, some day, I'll be thankful I did what I did. It may not be next month, next year, or even ten years from now, but some day I'm going to look back on it and be thankful that I did what I did. From my past relationships I've learned a lot. I don't hate any of them. Every guy is still in my life in a way, and I have deep care for them. Somethings I do wish I had done differently, but then again, I wouldn't know what I know now. Things happen for a reason. Anyways, on my Adele today. I'll quote her for a couple of songs.
[Imagine settling for a life you can have because you don't have the courage to go after the life you really want. you have to make a decision- the kind that bends your future in a whole new direction.]

Adele - He Won't Go

Some say I'll be better without you

But they don't know you like I do

Or at least the sides I thought I knew

I cant bear this time

It drags on as I lose my mind

Reminded by things I find

Like notes and clothes you left behind

Wake me up, wake me up when all is done

I wont rise until this battle's won

My dignity's become undone

[Have you ever wanted to ask a question, but you didn`t because you knew your heart wouldn`t be able to handle the answer?]

Adele - Someone Like You

Never mind

I'll find someone like you

I wish nothing but the best for you too

"Don't forget me," I begged

"I'll remember," you said

Sometimes it lasts in love

But sometimes it hurts instead.

Sometimes it lasts in love

But sometimes it hurts instead,


[You're moving forward, but looking back. You can change your future, but you can't change your past.]

[Anyone can make you smile and anyone can make you cry but it takes someone really special to make you smile when you have tears in your eyes. < For Jacob]

TLC - Unpretty

My outsides look cool

My insides are blue

Everytime I think I'm through

It's because of you

I've tried different ways

But it's all the same

At the end of the day I have myself to blame

I'm just trippin'

Saddest part of this all, this whole weekend, at the end of the night, I would feel so unpretty. =/

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I remember every word you said, okay? I'm not that naive and I'm not that stupid. I've been broken before, I can deal. I'm not scared of moving on with my life. What I'm scared of is that I'll realize somewhere along the road, that you were my life.

I'm amazed how yesterday, I told you absolutely everything, and today, we go out of our way to ignore each other.

I can’t stand to watch you go cause in my head deep down I know I don’t want to live without you.

Its hard to let go. 'Cause with him, I was just me. I didn't have to be anyone but myself. People like that are hard to find. And I think once we lose those people, we were afraid we'd never find them again.

Maybe they are right. Maybe I did get my hopes up too high. Maybe I was way over my head. Maybe I am the stupid one for ever thinking that he liked me. But maybe, just maybe I'm tired of being alone.

Moving on is a process. You have to promise yourself that you're really ready to let go and remember that is takes t-i-m-e.

Clouds? Because you told me to look out the window when I was scared to fly alone. Most beautiful sight I had ever seen. Hope you see this. *shrug*

Just Fine

Past few days I've been through such a rollercoaster. It would've been deadly if it were constructed in real life. I'm glad I finally got off the ride though. I got lost for a minute there. I overreacted. I didn't want to handle the pain. Tried my best to block the emotions as best as possible. While my eyes were open I wouldn't rationalize, I wouldn't think straight. Only in my dreams did I think clearly. Yesterdays nap, was my final court hearing from my subconscious mind. I heard its views, and I granted it custody.

It's amazing what one person can do. Some people build you up just to bend and break you. Some people bring out parts of you that you had no clue existed. All throughout life we meet people and every single one of them brings something to us, gives us some sort of purpose. We come across people that will hurt us so incredibly much that it seems unbearable to go on with our lives, but the truth is, we can overcome anything we want to if we believe in it enough, if we have faith in ourselves, and in who we are. The most important thing in life is to find yourself, know who you are at all times and stand by that for the rest of your life. No one has the right to tell you who you are or try and control your life cause it's yours. Your life is meant to be lived by no one else but yourself. We sometimes let people get the best of us, destroy us and change our opinions on what we believe is true. Only you can know what's right for yourself, you have the power, you make the choices and you learn. Each experience we go through in life is a lesson to be learned. Everything happens for a reason, and without the hard times, how would we ever realize our true strength? It's only through a time of suffering when we realize how strong we truly are inside, when we realize how much we can actually put up with and deal with before we eventually break.

I came to my senses. I realized that everything wasn't over. That yeah, maybe this is the second time I have whole heartedly given my heart out, and maybe this is the second time that the love wasn't returned, but there was a second time, and just like that, there could be a third. Obviously, next time I'll really take things much slower, be a lot more careful. but it doesn't mean that it won't happen. This won't break me either. Back in the day, I would blame things like this on my body issues, or on some silly personal attack on my character. But I won't. I know I'm beautiful inside and out. I actually believe it this time. So I'll be perfectly fine. I know how worthy I am, enough to know that there will be a man out there who will truly see my value, and he will do everything he needs to do to win me over. I won't lie, I'll probably put up a hell of a fight, but like I said, he will know how worthy I am, and he will fight even harder.

Also, I realize that me being single doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not good enough, it just means that I'm smart enough not to settle for something thats not good enough for me. I'm not going to dwell on it anymore and I'll appreciate the fact that atleast right now I have freedom. Freedom from the headaches, from the emotional dependancy, from a guy changing my moods by just uttering the right or wrong words. I'll appreciate this, knowing that I can be happy without some guy. As much as I may want the companionship, I'll enjoy the companionship of my friends and family. Like my little sister, I refuse to depend my happiness on someone else. I will look at the good things that I do have and rejoice in that.

Furthermore, I've always had an issue letting people leave my life. I try to hold on as long as I can, because to me atleast, everyone is valuable. They all bring important things to my life and I assume I would miss out on something. Well I'm tired. Tired of fighting for all the people I care about. Trying to force them to keep me in their life. So from now on, if you want me in your life, you'll find a way to put me there. I won't be forcing the issue anymore. Those that stay and keep me in theirs, those are the ones that I know are meant to be in my life. Those that choose to cut me out, well I'll just let them do that. There's a reason for everything, and I won't fight whats meant to happen. *shrug*

To those afraid of me changing, well I'm not changing who I am. I've decided that I'll just evolve to a better version. "Life doesn't give you the people you want, it gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to love you, to leave you, and to make you into the person you were meant to be." I accept that whole heartedly. And I'm happy for everyone thats has passed through my life, and everyone who is still in it. As for this hopeless romantic here, I don't know if I'll be embracing too much of that. LOL Maybe, always in the depth of my heart, I'll be hopeful, and I'll always want the romance, but for now, I won't be looking. I think it'll be better that way. If it comes my way, it does. But I will no longer yearn for it. I guess I'll always be a girl who wears her emotions on her sleeve, but I think from now on, I'll wear a sweater, and when it gets hot enough, I'll bear it all out.

From this last incident I'll weigh the Pros and Cons:

Pros- He was a catalyst to my transformation. He helped me understand more of life. He influenced me to be a better me. He showed me that taking risks weren't all that bad. He helped me love again, and love to another level (and I'm sure there are more levels to get to). He helped me see that men aren't truly all the same. And without him knowing, he made me want to be me, all of me, completely, and freely, and made me realize that I didn't have to be what was expected by men, because who I really was, was beautiful enough. He was the first guy I didn't put up false pretenses, and I plan not to ever again.

Cons- It didn't turn out the way I wanted it too. (Pro of that Con - Maybe my ending will be just much better.)

Finally, to you. I really really really thank you. I thank you for stopping it now. For doing the right thing. For giving me enough time to move on and eventually let go. I'll admit that I will forever have love for you. I will always think back and smile at the memories with you. If at some point we do grow completely apart, and we no longer speak, I hope if you do think back at me, you can see that you did something good. And as usual, you came to the rescue, and you saved another life. I truly don't know what I may have done for you. I wish I did know, I wish I brought some good to it. If not, I'm sorry. But I will say this, I will no longer force anything with you. I won't force you to talk to me. If you want me in your life, and believe I can fit in it, I am more than happy to be in it. If not, I will totally understand. Thank you, Gary. Seriously. I hope someday you could see the beauty I see in that cold and dark heart. I hope someday you can open yourself up more to someone, and truly trust them. Well, I wished that had been me. LOL But I guess I'm not, and Lord knows why, but I hope you can. I truly believe you deserve it. I hate that you hold so much inside, and I wish you could find that person to let it all out with. I love you Superman, with all your difficulties, I still do. And I pray for the best in your life, and in the lives of those you love. Whatever will be between us, will be. As for me, right now, laters.

And for you, my precious blog, until the next time. =D

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Please, save me!

She gets on her knees and pleads.
"Please, save me! Please, don't do this to me!"
She cried furiously, her hands on her head.
She desperately looks around.
Tries to scream, hoping someone would hear her.
She claws the ground. Tries to crawl towards me,
"Please, don't let me die! Please, look at me!"
My back is to her. My anger is too strong.
I no longer want to feel sympathy for her.
I no longer want her in my life.
As I think of all the pain she caused, my anger rises like gasoline to a fire.
I clench my fist closed hard, she deserves this.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. Please, save me!"
I turn slowly to her and stare at her in her eyes.
She sees my eyes and backs down in fear.
She realizes that all hope is gone.
That I no longer hold her to any regards.
The weakness of her being is repulsive to me.
I refuse to save her.
The more she calls out to me, the more I hate her.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." she whispers.
She realizes what she has done to me.
She realizes that all she ever did was hurt me.
She realizes that her life is about to end.
"I'm giving up. I give up."
I refuse to be controlled by her no longer.
I have finally stood up, and was able to beat her
I was able to make her crumble.
I was finally strong enough to kick her down.
I turn back around.
I begin to shed a tear and walk away.
As much as I hate her for what she did.
I'm sad that it had to end this way.
"I'm sorry." I said in a whisper unheard to her ears.
And I left her there in that room, alone, to never be found.

Breaking Dawn 19. BURNING (Chopped & Screwed)

The pain was bewildering.
Exactly that – I was bewildered. I couldn't understand, couldn't make sense of
what was happening.
My body tried to reject the pain, and I was sucked again and again into a blackness
that cut out whole seconds or maybe even minutes of the agony, making it
that much harder to keep up with reality.
I tried to separate them.
Non-reality was black, and it didn't hurt so much.
Reality was red, and it felt like I was being sawed in half, hit by a bus, punched
by a prize fighter, trampled by bulls, and submerged in acid, all at the same time.
Reality was feeling my body twist and flip when I couldn't possibly move because
of the pain.
Reality was knowing there was something so much more important than all this
torture, and not being able to remember what it was.
Reality had come on so fast.
One moment, everything was as it should have been. Surrounded by people I
loved. Smiles. Somehow, unlikely as it was, it seemed like I was about to get everything
I'd been fighting for.
And then one tiny, inconsequential thing had gone wrong.
I'd watched as my cup tilted, dark blood spilling out and staining the perfect
white, and I'd lurched toward the accident reflexively. I'd seen the other, faster
hands, but my body had continued to reach, to stretch...
Inside me, something had yanked the opposite direction.
Ripping. Breaking. Agony.
The darkness had taken over, and then washed away to a wave of torture. I
couldn't breathe – I had drowned once before, and this was different; it was too
hot in my throat.
Pieces of me shattering, snapping, slicing apart...
More blackness.
Voices, this time, shouting, as the pain came back.
'The placenta must have detached!"
Something sharper than knives ripped through me – the words, making sense in
spite of the other tortures.Detached placenta – I knew what that meant. It meant
that my baby was dying inside me.
"Get him out!" I screamed to Edward. Why hadn't he done it yet? "He can't
breathe! Do it now!"
"The morphine – "
He wanted to wait, to give me painkillers, while our baby was dying?!
"No! Now – ," I choked, unable to finish.
Black spots covered the light in the room as a cold point of new pain stabbed icily
into my stomach. It felt wrong – I struggled automatically to protect my womb,
my baby, my little Edward Jacob, but I was weak. My lungs ached, oxygen burned
The pain faded away again, though I clung to it now. My baby, my baby, dying...
How long had passed? Seconds or minutes? The pain was gone. Numb. I couldn't
feel. I still couldn't see, either, but I could hear. There was air in my lungs again,
scraping in rough bubbles up and down my throat.
"You stay withme now, Bella! Do you hear me? Stay! You're not leaving me. Keep
your heart beating!"
Jacob? Jacob, still here, still trying to save me.
Of course,I wanted to tell him. Of course I would keep my heart beating. Hadn't I
promised them both?
I tried to feel my heart, to find it, but I was so lost inside my own body. I couldn't
feel the things I should, and nothing felt in the right place. I blinked and I found
my eyes. I could see the light. Not what I was looking for, but better than nothing.
As my eyes struggled to adjust, Edward whispered, "Renesmee."
Not the pale and perfect son of my imagination? I felt a moment of shock. And
then a flood of warmth.
I willed my lips to move, willed the bubbles of air to turn into whispers on my
tongue. I forced my numb hands to reach.
"Let me... Give her to me."
The light danced, shattering off Edward's crystal hands. The sparkles were tinged
with red, with the blood that covered his skin. And more red in his hands. Something
small and struggling, dripping with blood. He touched the warm body to my
weak arms, almost like I was holding her. Her wet skin was hot – as hot as Jacob's.
My eyes focused; suddenly everything was absolutely clear.
Renesmee did not cry, but she breathed in quick, startled pants. Her eyes were
open, her expression so shocked it was almost funny. The little, perfectly round
head was covered in a thick layer of matted, bloody curls. Her
irises were a familiar – but astonishing – chocolate brown. Under the blood, her
skin looked pale, a creamy ivory. All besides her cheeks, which flamed with color.
Her tiny face was so absolutely perfect that it stunned me. She was even more
beautiful than her father. Unbelievable. Impossible.
"Renesmee," I whispered. "So... beautiful."
The impossible face suddenly smiled – a wide, deliberate smile. Behind the shellpink
lips was a full complement of snowy milk teeth.
She leaned her head down, against my chest, burrowing against the warmth. Her
skin was warm and silky, but it didn't give the way mine did.
Then there was pain again – just one warm slash of it. I gasped.
And she was gone. My angel-faced baby was nowhere. I couldn't see or feel her.
No!I wanted to shout.Give her back to me!
But the weakness was too much. My arms felt like empty rubber hoses for a moment,
and then they felt like nothing at all. I couldn't feel them. I couldn't feel me.
The blackness rushed over my eyes more solidly than before. Like a thick blindfold,
firm and fast. Covering not just my eyes but also myself with a crushing
weight. It was exhausting to push against it. I knew it would be so much easier to
give in. To let the blackness push me down, down, down to a place where there
was no pain and no weariness and no worry and no fear.
If it had only been for myself, I wouldn't have been able to struggle very long. I
was only human, with no more than human strength. I'd been trying to keep up
with the supernatural for too long, like Jacob had said.
But this wasn't just about me.
If I did the easy thing now, let the black nothingness erase me, I would hurt
Edward. Edward. My life and his were twisted into a single strand. Cut one, and
you cut both. If he were gone, I would not be able to live through that. If I were
gone, he wouldn't live through it, either. And a world without Edward seemed
completely pointless. Edwardhad to exist.
Jacob – who'd said goodbye to me over and over but kept coming back when I
needed him. Jacob, who I'd wounded so many times it was criminal. Would I hurt
him again, the worst way yet? He'd stayed for me, despite everything. Now all he
asked was that I stay for him.
But it was so dark here that I couldn't see either of their faces. Nothing seemed
real. That made it hard not to give up.
I kept pushing against the black, though, almost a reflex. I wasn't trying to lift it.
I was just resisting. Not allowing it to crush me completely. I wasn't Atlas, and
the black felt as heavy as a planet; I couldn't shoulder it. All I could do was not be
entirely obliterated.
It was sort of the pattern to my life – I'd never been strong enough to deal with
the things outside my control, to attack the enemies or outrun them. To avoid the
pain. Always human and weak, the only thing I'd ever been able to
do was keep going. Endure. Survive.
It had been enough up to this point. It would have to be enough today. I would
endure this until help came.
I knew Edward would be doing everything he could. He would not give up. Neither
would I.
I held the blackness of nonexistence at bay by inches.
It wasn't enough, though – that determination. As the time ground on and on
and the darkness gained by tiny eighths and sixteenths of my inches, I needed
something more to draw strength from.
I felt myself slipping – there was nothing to hold on to.
No! I had to survive this.
And then, though I still couldn't see anything, suddenly I could feel something.
Like phantom limbs, I imagined I could feel my arms again. And in them, something
small and hard and very, very warm.
I knew that I would be able to fight the darkness as long as I needed to.
The warmth beside my heart got more and more real, warmer and warmer. Hotter.
The heat was so real it was hard to believe that I was imagining it.
Uncomfortable now. Too hot. Much, much too hot.
Like grabbing the wrong end of a curling iron – my automatic response was to
drop the scorching thing in my arms. But there was nothing in my arms. My arms
were not curled to my chest. My arms were dead things lying somewhere at my
side. The heat was inside me.
The burning grew – rose and peaked and rose again until it surpassed anything
I'd ever felt.
I felt the pulse behind the fire raging now in my chest and realized that I'd found
my heart again, just in time to wish I never had. To wish that I'd embraced the
blackness while I'd still had the chance. I wanted to raise my arms and claw my
chest open and rip the heart from it – anything to get rid of this torture. But I
couldn't feel my arms, couldn't move one vanished finger.
The fire blazed hotter and I wanted to scream. To beg for someone to kill me
now, before I lived one more second in this pain. But I couldn't move my lips. The
weight was still there, pressing on me.
I realized it wasn't the darkness holding me down; it was my body. So heavy.
Burying me in the flames that were chewing their way out from my heart now,
spreading with impossible pain through my shoulders and stomach, scalding
their way up my throat, licking at my face.
Why couldn't I move? Why couldn't I scream? This wasn't part of the stories.
My mind was unbearably clear – sharpened by the fierce pain – and I saw the
answer almost as soon as I could form the questions.
The morphine.
Because I'd had morphine and venom together in my system before, and I knew
the truth. I knew the numbness of the medicine was completely irrelevant while
the venom seared through my veins. But there'd been no way I was going to mention
that fact. Nothing that would make him more unwilling to change me.
I hadn't guessed that the morphine would have this effect – that it would pin me
down and gag me. Hold me paralyzed while I burned.
Now it seemed like a hideous joke that i was getting my wish fulfilled.
If I couldn't scream, how could I tell them to kill me?
All I wanted was to die. To never have been born. The whole of my existence did
not outweigh this pain. Wasn't worth living through it for one more heartbeat.
Let me die, let me die, let me die.
And, for a never-ending space, that was all there was. Just the fiery torture, and
my soundless shrieks, pleading for death to come. Nothing else, not even time. So
that made it infinite, with no beginning and no end. One infinite moment of pain.
The only change came when suddenly, impossibly, my pain was doubled. The
lower half of my body, deadened since before the morphine, was suddenly on fire,
too. Some broken connection had been healed – knitted together by the scorching
fingers of the flame.
The endless burn raged on.
It could have been seconds or days, weeks or years, but, eventually, time came to
mean something again.
Three things happened together, grew from each other so that I didn't know
which came first: time restarted, the morphine's weight faded, and I got stronger.
I could feel the control of my body come back to me in increments, and those increments
were my first markers of the time passing. I knew it when I was able to
twitch my toes and twist my fingers into fists. I knew it, but I did not act on it.
Though the fire did not decrease one tiny degree – in fact, I began to develop a
new capacity for experiencing it, a new sensitivity to appreciate, separately, each
blistering tongue of flame that licked through my veins – I discovered that I could
think around it.
I could remember why I shouldn't scream. I could remember the reason why I'd
committed to enduring this unendurable agony. I could remember that, though it
felt impossible now, there was something that might be worth the torture.
This happened just in time for me to hold on when the weights left my body. To
anyone watching me, there would be no change. But for me, as I struggled to keep
the screams and thrashing locked up inside my body, where they couldn't hurt
anyone else, it felt like I'd gone from being tied to the stake as I burned, to gripping
that stake to hold myself in the fire.
I had just enough strength to lie there unmoving while I was charred alive.
My hearing got clearer and clearer, and I could count the frantic, pounding beats
of my heart to mark the time.
I could count the shallow breaths that gasped through my teeth.
I could count the low, even breaths that came from somewhere close beside me.
These moved slowest, so I concentrated on them. They meant the most time passing.
More even than a clock's pendulum, those breaths pulled me through the
burning seconds toward the end.
I continued to get stronger, my thoughts clearer. When new noises came, I could
There were light footsteps, the whisper of air stirred by an opening door. The
footsteps gotcloser, and I felt pressure against the inside of my wrist. I couldn't
feel the coolness of the fingers. The fire blistered away every memory of cool.
I knew, beyond all doubt, that if I unlocked my teeth I would lose it – I would
shriek and screech and writhe and
thrash. If I opened my eyes, if I so much as twitched a finger – any change at all
would be the end of my control.
"Bella? Bella, love? Can you open your eyes? Can you squeeze my hand?"
Pressure on my fingers. It was harder not to answer this voice, but I stayed paralyzed.
I knew that the pain in his voice now was nothing compared to what itcould
be. Right now he only feared that I was suffering.
My resolve wavered for a second.
"Listen to her heart, Edward. It's stronger than even Emmett's was. I've never
heard anything sovital. Shell be perfect."
Yes, I was right to keep quiet. Carlisle would reassure him. He didn't need to suffer
with me.
A broken whisper. "She must be in agony."
Another whisper. "Bella, I love you.
Bella, I'm sorry."
I wanted so much to answer him, but I wouldn't make his pain worse. Not while I
had the strength to hold myself still.
Through all this, the racking fire went right on burning me. But there was so
much space in my head now. Room to ponder their conversation, room to remember
what had happened, room to look ahead to the future, with still endless
room left over to suffer in.
Also room to worry.
Every cell in my body had been razed to ash.
On the good-news side of things, it started to fade from my fingertips and toes.
Fading slowly, but at least it was doing something new. This had to be it. The pain
was on its way out...
And then the bad news. The fire in my throat wasn't the same as before. I wasn't
only on fire, but I was now parched, too. Dry as bone. So thirsty. Burning fire,
and burning thirst...
Also bad news: The fire inside my heart got hotter.
How was thatpossible?
My heartbeat, already too fast, picked up – the fire drove its rhythm to a new
frantic pace.
The fire retreated from my palms, leaving them blissfully pain-free and cool. But
it retreated to my heart, which blazed hot as the sun and beat at a furious new
My wrists were free, though, and my ankles. The fire was totally extinguished
My fingers twitched – the irritation breaking through my perfect facade. The
room went silent besides the jack-hammering of my heart as they all stopped
breathing for a second in response.
A hand squeezed my wayward fingers. "Bella? Bella, love?"
Could I answer him without screaming? I considered that for a moment, and
then the fire ripped hotter still through my chest, draining in from my elbows and
knees. Better not to chance it.
And then – oh!
My heart took off, beating like helicopter blades, the sound almost a single sustained
note; it felt like it would grind through my ribs. The fire flared up in the
center of my chest, sucking the last remnants of the flames from the
rest of my body to fuel the most scorching blaze yet. The pain was enough to stun
me, to break through my iron grip on the stake. My back arched, bowed as if the
fire was dragging me upward by my heart.
I allowed no other piece of my body to break rank as my torso slumped back to
the table.
It became a battle inside me – my sprinting heart racing against the attacking
fire. Both were losing. The fire was doomed, having consumed everything that
was combustible; my heart galloped toward its last beat.
The fire constricted, concentrating inside that one remaining human organ with
a final, unbearable surge. The surge was answered by a deep, hollow-sounding
thud. My heart stuttered twice, and then thudded quietly again just once more.
There was no sound. No breathing. Not even mine.
For a moment, the absence of pain was all I could comprehend.
And then I opened my eyes and gazed above me in wonder.

The Break Up

How do I begin this break up letter?
Wondering how to let go of you forever.
Yet, it’s hard to come down this long ladder.
You and I was the greatest thing ever.
You had me high in the clouds for so long
A natural high that I always held on.
Because I thought what we had was meant to be
Thought it was what was right for me.

Now as I look back I see the evilness in our relationship
See that it I was always just being fooled by your power trip
Wanted to hold me long under your sorry illusion
Causing me to believe in the silly imagination
I believed in your pretty and enticing words
Thinking that the beauty in them was always yours
Not knowing that it was part of your sorry plan
To keep me following along and getting my heart damn

But I'm tired of all your softness and stupidity
I've finally opened my eyes to this sad as reality
You are nothing but a weak and sorry commodity
To all lying bastards and their open opportunity
They take a hold of your sweetness and purity
For their own uplifting of their bitter actuality

You know that saying that they use for break ups
"Its not you, it’s me" is their usually start-ups
Well sorry but in this case it’s not me, it’s truly you
And I no longer want to associate myself with you
Our relationship kept me from growing strong
And now I can finally admit that you have always been wrong
Even though it may seem hard and harsh at first,
But I'm just tired of your overwhelming thirst
For something that unfortunately doesn't exist
And I refuse to stand by you on this lifelong waiting list

It’s been fun while it lasted
And I'm glad for the nice time we exhausted
But now you must go your own way
Because you will only continue to break me.
And as the tears fall from our eyes
I know that this will be a hard goodbye
But mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Tell that part of me, this is the end to it all.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can't Talk To Anyone

Can't talk to anyone.
I feel so locked up.
Lost my real smile,
Now I muster up a replica.
My eyes scream misery.
The lacrimation is pleading to be let out.
I can't speak to anyone.
I can't express myself.
I feel like I've become weak.
I hate myself for being weak.
Why is everything I believe being put to test?
I can't speak to anyone.
I don't want to hear the "I told you so".
I don't want to know that I was wrong.
I just want it to go back to normal.
Is my love for you so detrimental to us?
I'm afraid to speak to you.
I'm afraid to lose you.
I want to walk away from you.
But as those thoughts rise up,
My pull to you only gets stronger.
Can't talk to anyone.
No one will understand.
No one will know the right answer to this.
Lost my real smile.
I feel so locked up.
Can't talk to anyone.

Talk. To. Me.

I feel like I'm about to explode
I can't take it. What is this?
I take a step forward,
And now I see myself a mile behind.
What do you want from me?
What am I doing wrong?
What am I not seeing?

This is where my weakness comes in.
I feel my breath getting faint.
I feel the strong pain in my chest.
I want to scream.
I feel the lacrimation ready to make its exit.

Are you pushing me out?
Do you not want me in your life?
Talk. To. Me.
Don't you trust me?
Don't you see how much I care?
Am I not good enough for you?
Do you hate me?

You affect me so much.
You make me feel so high.
Make me feel so low.
Your words are so strong.
I feel like I'm getting killed slowly.