Friday, July 15, 2011

Let me...

In the grand scheme of things,

am I suppose to believe

that in reality theres truly an opporunity,

For him to eventually love me for me.

I picture things so differently,

For inside my own mind and in my soul

I see a man loving me for so much more.

And yes I would love to arouse him immensely,

taking him on a mental and body high sexually,

but I want him to get pass the appearance,

and love me for my willingness to understand.

I want him to admire my unmoving loyalty,

I want him to yearn my love more than good company,

To envision a life where me being missing,

Is something he can't possibly see happening.

I want my big heart to be his morning sunshine,

My love to be his evening moonlight.

Our conversations being of great quality,

bringing out the best of our personalities.

A love building a friendship with stability,

Where we grew with each other indefinitely.

But sometimes this all seems to be too good to be true.

Because we all know that falling in love brings pain on its own.

Yet I know that he who is suppose to be,

will allow our hearts be the king and queen

of our decisions and our love making,

Two hearts not afraid of what its chasing.

But putting all its got to get that "fairytale" happy ending.

I want you to let me love you, but for real...

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